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July 2022

Water Conservation: Why It's Important and What You Can Do

What is water conservation, and why should we care about it?  

Simply put, water conservation refers to reducing the consumption of water and reusing freshwater efficiently to address water scarcity issues. In addition, part of conserving water is preventing pollution to water sources to increase the amount of water available to the world's population. 

Water is one of the most valuable resources in the world. Without water, we cannot grow crops, wash clothes, or sustain life. Unfortunately, fresh, clean drinking water is one of the most limited resources on the planet.  

Although 71% of the earth's surface is water-covered, the oceans hold approximately 96.5% of all earth's water. Only 3% of the planet's water is freshwater, and only 1.2% of freshwater can be used for drinking water. Despite water being a limited natural resource, many don't realize how important it is to conserve the stuff.  

Humanity must undertake specific conservation measures and create water management plans to ensure that our generation and future generations don't suffer from freshwater shortages.  

In this article, we're going to delve into why water conservation is essential and examine everything you should know about the topic of water conservation. Further, we'll discuss water-saving tips so that you can do your part to contribute to water conservation.  

What Is Water Conservation?

Water conservation includes all strategies, conservation programs, policies, rebates, and activities to manage freshwater resources and water consumption sustainably. These sustainability initiatives are in place globally to protect the hydrosphere. As a result, the world can continue managing water to ensure the current and future human demands can be met. 

In the United States, the average water footprint is 7,786 litres (over 2,000 gallons) per person daily. Most folks, especially in developed parts of the world, take the availability of water for granted.  

Unfortunately, such significant daily water consumption is not sustainable in the long run. If you are interested in learning about your water footprint, there are calculators online to help you determine if you need to make changes.  

How Much Water Do We Waste?

ccording to some interesting water wastage statistics from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, sadly, most of us waste a lot of water. We hope that by shedding some light on these statistics, most folks will take a new look at their own water use and make efforts to become more water-efficient.  

  • According to data from this governmental agency, it's estimated that the average family spends $1,000 a year on water costs. Yet, families spending this much could save as much as $380 each year if they retrofitted with WaterSense labeled fixtures like faucets and utilized Energy Star certified appliances.  
  • An average family can waste approximately 180 gallons of water a week, and this amount is the equivalent of conducting 300 full loads of laundry with a washing machine. 
  • It's believed that about 50% of outdoor water is lost to evaporation, wind, and runoff that results from inefficient irrigation systems and methods.  

What Is the Main Purpose of Water Conservation?

Water conservation is vital for several reasons, but the primary purpose of water conservation is to ensure clean water for humans to sustain life. 

Without access to clean water, humans are also susceptible to numerous water-borne diseases, affecting quality of life. According to data, it's believed that approximately 1 million people die each year from water, hygiene, and poor sanitation-related diseases. 

Additionally, if water scarcity becomes worse and billions of people are left without clean water, humans, animals, and the environment, including earth's ecosystems, would die, causing catastrophic loss of life across the planet.  

For example, environmental scientists have predicted that a loss of groundwater increases the risks of earthquakes.  

How Can We Conserve Water Resources?

Did you know that by 2050 it's believed that one in four people will be affected by water shortages? Because of this fact, one of the central United Nations Sustainable Development Goals is to make sure that all people in the world have access to clean water by 2030.  

With the likelihood of water shortages increasing now more than ever, we need to consider how to conserve water resources. 

Fortunately, there are multiple ways that people can conserve water resources.  

The following are various water conservation tips the average person can employ to use less water.  

  • When gardening and landscaping, consider doing so without grass. Many people waste gallons of water trying to maintain their grass through the summer months. Instead, outfit your garden with artificial turf, create a rock garden, go with succulents, or fill your garden with nectar-rich plants and flowers so that you also contribute to the well-being of the bee population.  
  • If you have various plants and trees in your garden, you can save water by placing a layer of mulch around your garden's flower beds and trees. Mulch slows moisture evaporation allowing you to water your plants and trees less.  
  • Even though it seems harmless to let your children play under the sprinklers on hot days, this practice wastes gallons of water unnecessarily. Instead, consider getting your children a play pool or taking them to a community pool so that you don't waste water by allowing them to play for hours under sprinklers. 
  • Hosing your driveway to clean it wastes hundreds of gallons of water. To save water while washing your driveway, you can use a broom instead. Wet the surface with water and soap, scrub with your broom, then rinse.  
  • Pick up inexpensive washers (small rubber rings) from your local hardware store so you can stop any leaks you may have coming from the taps in your home.  
  • Arguably one of the best ways you can save water is by switching off the taps when brushing your teeth. Just fill a glass with water for rinsing your mouth.  
  • In addition to taking shorter showers to save water, you can install a water-saving showerhead. Some water-saving showerheads will cut the flow of your shower by three gallons a minute, saving thousands of gallons of water in the long run.  

How Can We Protect Local Water Supplies?

Each of us has an impact on our local water supplies. The following three action items are things we can do to protect our water quality and conserve water.  

  • Never flush unwanted or expired medications down toilets as doing so will contaminate water supplies.  
  • Don't place anything into a storm drain that is not water, as these drains carry water to local waterways. 
  • Avoid using antibacterial cleaning products and soaps in your household, as most of these contain a pesticide known as triclosan that is harmful to aquatic life and water sources.

What Are Some Methods for Water Conservation?

There are numerous ways we can conserve water to benefit ourselves and the planet.  

The following are various methods for water conservation that can be implemented to reduce our water footprint.  

Redistributing Water 

Not only does redistribution of water reduce waste, but it also delivers water to areas that need it during times of water shortages and drought. To redistribute water, excess water storage collected from canals, irrigation systems, and pipes must be transported and redistributed where necessary. 

Modernizing Irrigation Methods 

If the agricultural industry were to update to modern irrigation methods, they could save thousands of gallons each year, making their systems more water-efficient. Modern irrigation methods like drip irrigation reduce runoff waste and evaporation, thus conserving water.  

Grey Water Recycling 

Grey water recycling is one of the easiest ways to conserve water. Essentially, grey water recycling saves used wastewater from showers, kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, and washing machines to water plants, flush toilets, and water grass. If you use grey water for these tasks, you can reduce by up to 70 liters of domestic potable water usage.  

Rainwater Harvesting 

One of the most effective methods is to harvest rainwater to replenish groundwater levels and conserve natural water. During this water conservation method, you will collect rainwater and allow it to percolate into a reservoir or bottomless pit. When this is done, the water seeps through the ground and improves the groundwater table.  

Installation of Water Meters 

Consider installing a water meter at your home or business to reduce water wastage. Water meters measure how much water is used and let you know when you have a water leak which you can discern if your water bill is higher than usual one month. It can also help you determine what you can do to use less water.  

Increase Forest Cover 

If we fight deforestation and increase forest cover by planting more trees, we can reduce the amount of rainfall lost because of evaporation. Reducing the amount of rain lost also helps to conserve groundwater.  

Additionally, since trees are far more drought tolerant than other plants, we can protect our water sources from disappearing by planting more trees alongside natural reservoirs and river beds.  

Which Is The Best Method of Water Conservation?

There is no singular most successful method of water conservation.  

If we want to conserve water, we need to save it at all levels, including in our homes, our places of work, at schools, on farms, and in various industries.  

By conserving water on all fronts, we will create a more significant impact.  

Why Is Water Conservation So Important?

Water scarcity is a significant threat to ecosystems worldwide. Without water conservation efforts, our very planet is at risk, but a more immediate concern is the threat to humanity.  

The following are just a few reasons water conservation is essential. 

Water Scarcity 

There are numerous countries around the globe that are currently facing water scarcity. According to data, Libya, Djibouti, Jordan, and Yemen are experiencing extreme water shortages that negatively impact the people's lives in these countries.  

Water scarcity is defined as insufficient water resources to meet the demands of the people and the country as a whole. Several factors contribute to water scarcity, including droughts, changing weather patterns, climate change, and water pollution. 

Additionally, according to UNICEF, approximately 74% of the natural disasters between 2001 to 2018 were water-related. This is another significant sign that water conservation is needed to address water scarcity. If water conservation methods are practiced, the effects of water-related natural disasters can be reduced.  

Agricultural Systems 

The agricultural systems that we depend on for our food significantly rely on water availability throughout the world. For example, agricultural systems require water to grow crops, keep livestock alive, control frost, and apply fertilizers and pesticides.  

If we don't conserve water, many countries will experience food scarcity in addition to water scarcity. Presently, the UN predicts billions of people will experience hunger because of food scarcity directly resulting from water scarcity.  

Water Sanitation 

Unfortunately, many people often forget that water is a critical component in sanitation and waste management in most countries worldwide. Without sanitation, we would have no clean water to brush our teeth, wash our clothes, do laundry, wash dishes, bathe our bodies, clean our food, or cook.  

Currently, many people in the world are doing without these basic needs because they don't have sanitation. For example, in India, it's estimated that 818 million people don't have access to sanitation or clean water.  

Additionally, an estimated 607 million people in China, 109 million in Indonesia, 71 million in Ethiopia, and 22 million in Vietnam are in the same situation. Conserving water will allow the people in these and other countries access to clean water and sanitation.  

Water Conservation: An Issue We Can't Ignore 

Water conservation is critical. If we don't learn to conserve water, our generation and future generations will suffer.  

There is hope, however. More and more folks like you are becoming educated about the importance of water conservation and doing their parts to save water, thus contributing to the well-being of our planet.  

The more water the world saves, the healthier our planet for humans, animals, ecosystems, and the environment.

You can support conservation and offset your water usage through a Water Restoration Certificate Subscription from HomeWater

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