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January 2023

The Many Advantages of Kinetic Degradation Fluxion Media for Water Filtration

Kinetic degradation fluxion sounds like something the protagonists in a 1950s sci-fi movie would be very concerned about. Surely it would doom the ship if it couldn’t be brought under control. While it's probably less exciting than that to most people, to water filtration nerds like us, KDF is one of the most exciting discoveries of the last 35 years.

 KDF is not only interesting, it’s one of the secrets that make HomeWater filters so effective. But what is kinetic degradation fluxion and how does it make your drinking water better?

What Is KDF Media?

KDF process media is a combination of high-purity copper-zinc granules that greatly improve water filters. The addition of KDF to our whole-house water filtration systems sets us apart from much of our competition. KDF media helps to extend the life of our whole-house water filters while making them more effective at removing contaminants from your home water supply.

How Does KDF Process Media Work?

KDF filter media changes the pollutants in your water into harmless components through an ion exchange mechanism called redox. Redox changes the oxidation state of the original element through the reduction or addition of electrons.

 As contaminants like heavy metals and hydrogen sulfide move through the media, an electrochemical process takes place that exchanges electrons between the filter media and the contaminant molecules. This renders the contaminants harmless by changing their chemical structure.

 In case, like most people, that’s not a language you speak fluently, an example of this is chlorine being transformed into harmless, water-soluble chloride after passing through a KDF filter.

What Does a KDF Filter Do?

KDF filters are great at reducing or removing a long list of water pollutants like:

  • Free chlorine
  • Lead
  • Iron
  • Chromium
  • Mercury
  • Hydrogen sulfide
  • Bacteria
  • Algae
  • Fungi

They even reduce hard water - causing minerals like calcium carbonate and magnesium, which will help save your pipes and water-using appliances.

KDF filters can be used in the primary treatment of water, but they’re often used in the pretreatment phase of purification systems. They’re great at pre-filtering large particles, which helps to remove the stress on your water filter system and extend its lifespan. Say goodbye to damaging silt and sediment in your pipes and hello to clearer and cleaner water.

Why Is It Important to Remove Chlorine?

There’s no doubt that treating water with chlorine is a modern miracle that’s saved thousands of lives. Chlorine allows water to travel safely through miles of pipes without becoming overly polluted by bacteria. Once it reaches your home though, it becomes more of a hazard than a miracle. Not only do some people think it gives your water an unpleasant taste and odor, but it may cause vomiting as well as skin, nose, and throat irritation.

Chlorine can also damage expensive filtration systems, shortening their lifespan. KDF media like that found in HomeWater’s whole-home water filtration system protects the whole system. This means less expense and less maintenance for you.

How Is KDF Media Different From Silver?

Silver has antimicrobial properties, so some of our competitors use silver-impregnated systems in their water purification process instead of KDF. There are many differences between silver and KDF that we find important. Here are a few reasons we chose KDF over silver-impregnated water treatment systems.

  • Silver permits bacteria and algae growth, while KDF controls both.
  • Silver works through adsorption, so it doesn’t last as long as KDF.
  • Silver doesn’t filter heavy metals; KDF does.
  • Silver is more sensitive to pH levels in the water than KDF.
  • Silver is considered hazardous waste, while KDF is recyclable.
  • Silver usage in a filter must be reported to the EPA because it’s considered toxic. The EPA doesn’t consider KDF toxic, so there are no such rules.

Who Makes Kinetic Degradation Fluxion Media?

In 1987, the Three Rivers, Michigan company KDF Fluid Treatment, Inc., patented and began selling KDF media. It is NSF-42 and NSF-61 certified, which ensures a level of health and aesthetic quality of water treated with KDF.

 The product is now used in point-of-entry, point-of-use, industrial, and commercial applications. KDF media is also very popular in showerhead filters because it’s effective in hot water and it doesn’t hurt your flow rate.

 KDF is used for pretreating water, primary treatment, and even treating wastewater. Today there are several different types of KDF, including KDF 55 and KDF 85.

What Is KDF Material?

KDF water filter media is made from a blend of high-purity zinc and copper, which, when mixed together, create an electrochemical reaction in impurities that pass through it. The reactions often turn harmful contaminants into harmless byproducts. KDF material has no chemical additives and works well as a sediment filter.

What Is the Difference Between KDF 55 and KDF 85?

KDF 55 is NSF-42 certified. It’s mainly used in home systems and is effective at removing chlorine and water-soluble heavy metals as well as scale-causing minerals from your home water.

KDF 85 is NSF-61 certified for water treatment plants. It is used to remove iron and hydrogen sulfide.

Both KDF 55 and KDF 85 remove algae, bacteria, and scale-causing minerals from your water. They also both remove up to 99% of dissolved metals like:

  • Chromium
  • Water-soluble lead
  • Mercury
  • Nickel
  • And others

It does this without introducing harmful chemicals into your water, which is why KDF media is commonly added to point-of-use shower filters. Our USA-made shower filters remove 90% of chlorine. Each replacement cartridge filters out 10,000 gallons of water while allowing 2 satisfying gallons per minute to flow through.

How Long Does KDF 85 Media Last?

When handled properly, KDF 85 media can last more than six years without needing to be replaced. When compared to silver systems that last just six to 12 months, this means far less maintenance and cost to water treatment systems.

Does KDF 85 Remove Lead?

Yes! Both KDF 55 and KDF 85 can filter out up to 99% of water-soluble lead, as well as many other toxic heavy metals.

Does KDF Filter Media Remove Fluoride From Drinking Water?

To remove fluoride from drinking water, you either need a deionizer, activated alumina, or a reverse osmosis system. While KDF water filter media supports those types of systems to work better and last longer, KDF media by itself isn’t effective at removing fluoride from your water. If you’re interested in fluoride removal, check out our under-sink 4-stage reverse osmosis system.

Does KDF Remove Calcium From Drinking Water?

While not a traditional water softener, KDF does remove some calcium carbonate, magnesium, and other scale-causing minerals from your water. KDF will control microorganisms and remove contaminants like chlorine/chloramines and heavy metals more effectively than it will soften your water.

Does a KDF Filter Soften Water?

KDF filters do have a softening effect on water. If you have very hard water you’ll see an improvement in your water quality, but it's still recommended that you get a traditional or salt-free water softener if you’d like all the benefits of soft water.

What Are the Disadvantages of Using KDF?

KDF filters aren’t perfect. They don’t filter out organic chemicals like pesticides or disinfectant byproducts. But that’s why our whole-home systems rely on multiple technologies like catalytic carbon and specialty gravel to reduce turbidity and increase clarity.

 HomeWater’s 4-stage filtration system aims to give you the freshest and cleanest water possible.

Are KDF Filters Safe?

Kinetic degradation fluxion filters are safe. Not only are they certified by NSF international standards, but they also meet EPA and FDA standards for zinc and copper in water.

Should Your Whole-House Filter Use KDF Filtration Technology?

Well, we certainly think so. Kinetic degradation fluxion media has a 35-year track record of being a safe and effective way to keep your water fresh and delicious.

 KDF filter technology is used in both home filtration systems as well as industrial, commercial, and municipal water treatment because it works. This technology increases the effectiveness and the longevity of these water treatment systems just like it does in your home.

 If you want pure, fresh-tasting water coming into every tap in your home, check out our whole-home 4-stage water filtration systems, which have more KDF than many of our competitors. Find out for yourself the difference KDF water filter media can make for your water.

Brought to you by homewater.com

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